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Devart Grabber
This is something I wrote for all the deviant artists out there. It grabs a list of the 10 latest `deviations` and displays them psuedo-devart style. The thing I'm most proud of with this script is how it handles updates. With most things like this, you must set up a cron job to get the latest list every 10 minutes or so... But to make it easier on everybody, this one automagically downloads a new list if the one it has is is older than 20 minutes. Not that big a deal, but I thought it was neat =]
Sorry Folks, this one dosent have a link yet because I'm pretty busy and havn't gotten around to cleaning up the code enough for people to read it or use it =]
simple mailer
Last year I was asked to write a mailer perl script for a friend. There was a problem however, I didn't know perl. So I sat down over the weekend, learned perl, (fell in love with the language,) and churned out this mailer script. I wrote it to gather user contact information, but the accepted params and display format can be changed easily enough.
Date: May, 2000
License: Open Source
NoSpam List
This is a quick little script that appends email addresses (or anything you want) to a file, email.txt in this case. I wrote it for a (different) friend who wanted to get a list of people that wanted off his email list.
Date: April, 2001
License: Open Source